Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How will it all work out?????????????

The hits just keep coming...............

At this point I don't know how it is all going to work out, but it has to doesn't it?

Have to stay positive right? How?

With so many good things in my life, how can one bad thing can just blow them all away.

What are we going to do?

How can we fix this?

Lots of things to sleep on tonight....lots of things to pray on.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Moving on....out!

I think I'm going to move out sooner or later. Living basically with a couple isn't cool. Beth is here pretty much at all times, and it is just making me feel more lonely that necessary! I found a few places online but I'm sure they will be taken up by the time I can actually get out of here. I can't just leave Justin high and dry. I'm going to talk to him after work today to see what he can do. He might be able to find a new roommate quickly and I can get out. Rent for November is coming up, so I'm not sure how it's going to work out exactly. Anyway, Gary and I spent a few hours on the phone thinking of girl names. I have a feeling it is going to be a girl, but you never know. So here is the list so far: Liv, Marit, Eileen/Aileen, Erinn, Ingrid, Rowan. Girl names are really hard to choose. In the end I would like to end up with something that isn't to feminine sounding. I am leaning towards Liv, Marit or Rowan so far. I'm sure when the baby is born we will know right away.

Oh my God, just thinking about actually birthing this baby just made my stomach drop! I am not going to lie, I'm scared out of my mind! Going to try to do this as naturally as possible. I think in the long run it is best for the baby to have no drugs in our system! Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Nothing good to report for today. Feeling depressed. Off to babysit now.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Only 1.5 miles today. I was really tired. I'm just glad that I actually made it there!! Feeling good. I didn't feel like eating anything today. Nothing sounds good, so it is dinner time and I am starving now. Still--nothing sounds good! Grrrrr. Oh, well....french fries sound good, but I'm not having those!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nothing new to note...

Nothing much new here. I can't really think of a good baby reason to blog today (or in the past few days). But on mommy & daddy happenings.....Gary's band has booked 2 shows for next spring in Europe. He is very excited and all the promotion surrounding the show is very cool.

Gary also made contact with his dad after a few years of not talking. I think this baby will be a good thing in more ways that one ;) They have a tendency to bring families together!

As far as the baby goes, everything is good. Just been tired lately. Working out in the mornings still, got up to 1.75 miles in 30 minutes. Trying to eat well, its not that easy!! I keep craving cheetos, and pizza....and all things that are salty and fatty!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bad night....

Didn't sleep very well last night. Watched to much Law & Order: SVU, and when Gary didn't answer his phone all night, I just knew it was b/c some one had killed him. Turns out he just konked out hard on the the sofa and didn't hear his phone the million times that I called him...or so he says...... :D

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am not sleeping very well, and it makes for a looooong day. I'm going to hit the gym and see if that will help. I feel fine besides of that. Woke up today and yesterday with a mildly upset stomach. I have been ignoring my lactose intolerance and eating lots of dairy, so that is probably why. I think I'll hit the drug store and see if I can't find some of those pills that help you digest dairy. I am taking a calcium supplement and two vitamin d3's to help absorb the calcium. It's 8:30 am, and I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with myself today. I think I'm going to have banana splits with Bjorn at some point. Maybe after his nap, I'm not sure. I'll have to call Annelies. Anyway--I think I'll get out of my pajamas (seeing as how I didn't yesterday!) and find something to do with myself!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh man!

The baby wanted me to have pizza for dinner....I can't say no to him/her!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good morning! I had a great sleep last night, didn't wake up once! Got up at 6:10 and hit the gym. It's actually hard to just hop on the treadmill and walk, I want to run after a while. Anyway, I only walked for a half an hour at 3.6 with a 3.5 incline. Enough to break a little sweat. I ended up walking 1.65 miles. Yesterday I only did 1.5, so I think I'll set a goal of 2 miles in half an hour for two weeks from now.

I'm starting to get really excited for the holidays. It will be so nice to have my mom & dad here, to meet Gary. I'm going to line up a couple of fun activities for Gary and I to do, to get the full experience of a snowy white Montana Christmas :D I won't have any spare money for gifts, so I better start thinking of a craft right now!! Last year I baked some things, and made some note cards. Maybe I'll make some personalized notepads this year?? Just a thought.

I guess I'm supposed to write about the baby here, huh? Nothing much to report for now. I feel really good, and I'm trying to eat healthy and maintain a positive healthy attitude. I think it is going well so far. I should note, that Emily has decided that we should have a girl, and that she should be called either Olivia, or Katie. HA! I'll keep that in mind Emily :) I'm thinking more along the lines of a Scandinavian name (I like the name Mai...Norwegian for May of course the month of Gary & my birthday, or Liv), or something like that. If it is a boy, Gary would really like to carry on his family name of Hugo, and I think that would be great. I love the name, its classic.

Anyway, time to make my lunch and hit the road.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Getting pretty excited and the thought of having my own family here shortly. Can't wait till Gary gets here and we have our own home. At first the idea kind of freaked me out. Having a kid means the end to your life, right?!?!!? Nah, just the beginning of a new chapter that will blow all the other chapters right out of the water. I'm sure there will be challenging times, but in the end you create your own little support unit where each member helps the others grow.

All my friends tell me I'm going to be a good mom, actually I think my friend Michelle said "I wish you were my mom!" HAHA, I don't know about that, but I am definitely going to give it my best effort!!

This morning I got up early and went to the gym. Just did 30 minutes on the treadmill at an incline. Got my heart rate up to 140 or so, I think that will do just fine. I'm going to try and go at least 4 times a week to start. I really should have 30 minutes of cardio a day....but I'm just going to start out slow.

Have to get ready for work now!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Seems like every morning I wake up to some sore of new blemish on my face. I rarely get pimples or anything of the sort...this is one side effect I'm not sure if I can stay positive about....well...this and the possibility of getting hemroids.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Initial Reactions

So un-officially I am 6ish weeks pregnant. I don't feel all that different. I think the initial feelings of sickness, may have just been caused by the weeks of straight work I pulled off to afford my ticket to see Gary (stress etc...).

It is a strange feeling. Everything in my life has officially changed, but I don't look any different, I don't feel any different. My daily routine hasn't changed for the most part...I guess all of that kicks in in the months to come.

I am keeping this little blog b/c Gary can't be here to experience all of the wonderful parts of the pregnancy...this is as close as it's going to get for now. In part, it is also to document this little adventure so we can read it again later!

Anyway... I suppose I should document in some way my initial reactions to finding out the good news, and the sharing of the said news with all the important players in my life. My first reaction, honestly was really happy. I couldn't believe it, then the "what the f*ck am I going to do" set in. How can I afford this, how can I do this alone in the case that Gary can't get here, what am I going to tell my parents, what about child care, how can I pay my rent if I'm not working...AAAAAHHHHHHHH! Maybe every couple has these feelings, I don't know. I mean, you can plan and plan and plan for a baby, but are you ever really prepared? In those terms, maybe this happy little accident could have never really been prepared for!

I knew right away that Gary would be happy at first just like me. I think he laughed (a bit nervously) at first. Maybe b/c he wanted to be REALLY excited but all those logical questions were inhibiting a full blown "YAHOOO!" Also just like me, I think the WTF set in and things were kind of emotional for a few days there. After a week or so I told my parents, and my family and that was very nerve wracking. I'm not sure why, but in the end everyone was very happy for me despite of the unorthodox circumstances.

After Gary told his mom & step-dad, and spent the Thanksgiving holiday with his friends he was much more excited that he seemed before. His friends were telling him that he seemed happier than he had before to them, so that made me smile :D

So in the grand scheme of things, no, this won't be the easiest or most normal pregnancy adventure but like my mom said "everything will be just fine!"